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Become A Crew Leader

Are you ready to join an awesome team earning great pay?
Job Requirements:
Crew leaders must be able to operate all lawn equipment(stand up mower, Stihl blowers, edgers, trimmers, etc). Crew leaders will also be responsible for sharpening of blades, oil changes, and most maintenance that is required for the upkeep of all equipment. A minimum of 3 years experience working for another lawn company or operating your own full-time business is required. Experience pulling a small trailer is also required.
Experience in shrubbery trimming, trees, sodding, flower bed cleanup, and mulching is a plus and is preferred.
Job Description:
Crew leaders will report to the shop Monday-Friday and load up all equipment for the day. You will be given a route of properties to be completed within the workday. All routes will be optimized for minimal driving. Most homes will be within a 1-3 mile radius allowing for the completion of more homes.
Pay and Hours: The Road to $750-1,000+ per Week
Base Pay
 $600 a week/$2400 a month. An 8-hr work day will be used to complete 16-17 properties per day. Properties are usually within the same community OR within a 1-3 mile radius. Note: Most routes are done within 8hrs and usually less. If fewer properties are cut for any reason you can make up your work on weekends to ensure you earn the base pay of $600. Each day 16-17 properties will be sent to you.
Extra Pay:
An estimated $150 per week in tips is the estimate amount in tips received. After 90 days with the company you will begin receiving tips automatically in your pay.
Crew leaders will be allowed many opportunities to earn more each week doing extra services such as tree trimming, mulching, sodding, etc.
How to Apply:
To apply, please leave a detailed voice message by calling 407-504-1550. Your message should give details of your experience, companies you've worked for, and why you should be selected to join our team. Your message should be atleast 1 minute if you are providing all the information requested. The more information you provide the better chance you have of being hired.
Good luck and we look forward to having you join our team!


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